GPS Fleet Tracking and Maintenance
12 Oct 2022Although fleet maintenance checkups are essential to prevent high costs and possible liability down the road, they can take up a lot of your time, diverting your attention from other important matters. Luckily, there are simple and easy-to-use software like GPS tracking that automate the monitoring process so you don’t have to.
You can purchase GPS fleet tracking for your vehicles to make preventative maintenance and monitoring of your fleet much easier and less time-consuming. The time for manually logging all of the maintenance for each of your vehicles and figuring out when you should maintain which vehicle is over. So you can free up your time for more important issues while eliminating any room for error.
If you manage an HVAC fleet, you’re in charge of making sure your employees are on time for appointments and working efficiently. But if you don’t know where your HVAC fleet is when the vehicles are out on the road, how can you be sure?
We all like to think that our employees have the company’s best interest in mind and use company vehicles only for their intended purposes and never go off route. But in reality, this is often not the case, even more so when employees know they aren’t being monitored.
So what’s the best way to monitor your HVAC fleet? Using GPS tracking on all of your vehicles.
Can You Secretly Track a Car?
28 Sep 2022There are a number of reasons an individual might want to secretly track a vehicle. You could have an unruly child, an unfaithful spouse, or you could be a private detective or law enforcement officer. Or perhaps your a business owner that rents vehicles and would prefer your customers don’t know that they’re being tracked. Another big reason for secretly tracking a vehicle is for theft protection. If you have an obvious GPS tracker installed in the vehicle, the thief could easily get rid of it and speed off with your vehicle.
The reasons for wanting to secretly track a car are practically endless. In this article, we’ll go over how you can secretly track a car.