If you own or operate a buy here, pay here car dealership, then you’re financing cars for many people who have low credit using the dealerships own funds. While this usually works great for both parties, because the buyers get to pay off a car with their low credit, and dealers get to run their business; however, this isn’t always the case.
As an owner of a buy here, pay here car dealership, you understand that your business has some risk. Some people may take out a loan on one of your cars and then be unable to pay it. Even worse, customers who can’t pay off a loan and are already in a tight spot may just take the vehicle and be off.
For this reason and many more, it’s important for all car dealerships, especially buy here, pay here, to consider GPS tracking solutions.
Using a GPS tracker device for your fleet has become incredibly common in the commercial shipping world. This is because GPS trackers benefit businesses in a number of ways, including improving safety, productivity, optimizing routes, monitoring driver behavior, and scheduling vehicle maintenance.
Yet, there are numerous GPS tracking devices on the market, so how do you know what to look for when selecting a device? Below, we’ll go over 10 factors to help you choose the right GPS tracking device for your fleet.
Real-time tracking
Real-time tracking devices use satellites or cellular modems to monitor where vehicles are throughout the day. Real-time tracking devices can send vehicle locations out at different frequencies, ranging from every 15 seconds to once per day. Having a real-time tracking device allows you to see where drivers are throughout the day and prevent data loss.
When your teen starts driving, it can be scary no matter how responsible you think they are behind the wheel. Even the safest and most responsible teen drivers are at a higher risk of accidents due to their lack of experience.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) teen drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 years old are 3 times more likely to get in a fatal crash when compared to drivers 20 years of age or older. So if you’re worried about your teen when they’re out driving, you’re not alone.