How to Explain GPS Fleet Tracking to Your Employees

11 Sep 2023

Outfitting your work vehicles is one of the best and easiest steps you can take to transform your business for the better. Keeping track of maintenance schedules, monitoring driver behavior, increasing accountability, optimizing routes, improving safety, and cutting costs is all much easier when your fleet is equipped with GPS tracking systems.

While the benefits of GPS tracking are undeniable, breaking the news to your employees can be a difficult conversation if you don’t know where to start. Some employees may feel uncomfortable with the idea that they’re suddenly going to be tracked wherever they are on the job, when they were used to being out on the road with little to no oversight.

Yet, this conversation is something that has to be done and even the most reluctant employees will get used to it. Below, we’ll go over how to explain GPS fleet tracking to your employees.

1)  Let your employees know beforehand.

 While some employers may be tempted to secretly install GPS trackers or wait to notify their employees until later, this is never a good idea. Doing so will create a lack of trust in the owners and managers on the part of drivers and could lead to backlash.

Also, if you let them know beforehand, you can have an open discussion with any employees who feel uncomfortable with the change.

2) Explain why you’re implementing GPS tracking.

Not everyone understands the countless benefits of GPS tracking and some of them may think it’s solely so you can increase driver accountability and monitor them while they’re on the road. While you should explain increasing driver accountability and driver behavior as one of the reasons, go into a detailed explanation of all of the benefits of GPS tracking. Feel free to search our website and blog posts if you’d like to create a list of all the benefits of GPS tracking.

It can also help to explain that GPS tracking is quickly becoming the norm among any companies that rely on their fleets for business. No matter your specific business, competition is always a concern and you have to stay ahead with the newest technologies to ensure your business remains profitable.

3) Be clear about any new rules.

Implementing GPS tracking is a good time to create new policies relating to rules on the road and driver behavior. Create a clear set of rules and distribute them to all drivers so they know what’s expected of them.

For example, Drivers won’t exceed the speed limit by more than five miles per hour. Drivers will always stay on the designated routes.

 4) Explain employee benefits of GPS tracking systems.

 Make sure to include the benefits GPS tracking systems has for drivers as well. Explain that GPS tracking will increase safety for drivers and make it easier to send emergency medical services to them in the case of an accident.

GPS tracking will also increase efficiency and optimize routes, both of which will increase business revenues and overtime will result in higher salaries for employees.

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About Live View GPS

We specialize in real time GPS tracking systems. GPS tracking, GPS monitoring and management for vehicles, assets, equipment, property and persons. Whether your needs are consumer or commercial based, personal or business related we have a cost effective GPS tracking solution for you. Locate in real-time and on demand vehicles, people and property from any web based computer. View these locations on our systems integrated maps. Our GPS devices are the real deal, they are tested and proven, they work.