GPS Fleet Tracking: The Secret Sauce for Awesome Customer Service and Satisfaction
23 Nov 2017
real-time gps tracking
When you’re operating a fleet, you don’t need anyone to tell you what a difference happy customers can make for your business. Not only are they more likely to be repeat customers, but they are also more likely to offer referrals for your business and that means more money in your pockets.
But, what you might not realize, is just how much GPS fleet tracking can help you keep your customers happy. These are just a few ways you can use GPS fleet tracking to keep your customers deliriously happy with the job you’re doing for them.
- Provide more accurate appointment windows. Whether you’re making deliveries or delivering a service, appointment windows and ETAs are important to customers. When businesses miss these windows because drivers get lost, are stuck in traffic, or have drivers diverting off course to take care of personal errands on your time (and the customer’s time) it can be hugely disappointing to the customers.
GPS fleet tracking helps you avoid all these situations with more efficient route planning, on-the-go alternative routing to avoid traffic delays, and text alerts when drivers deviate from prescribed routes. This keeps everything working on schedule much better throughout the day. You can also send live updates of ETAs to customers through your GPS tracking system or allow them to track the progress of their deliveries or appointments in real time as an added layer of customer service many companies do not offer.
- Use GPS tracking software to help you to personalize the customer experience. Everyone wants to feel special and wanted. You can use your GPS fleet tracking software to make notes about individual customer preferences and other little things that will help you make your customers feel remembered and important to you. This small detail will have a significant impact on their experience and how likely they will be to recommend you to others.
- Improve communication between dispatch and drivers. This helps you stay up to date with what is going on at various job sites so that you can make alternate arrangements or notify customers quickly of potential delays related to unexpected problems at other job sites.
GPS tracking is about so much more than mapping and mileage or even cutting fuel costs. The benefits to your business are nearly infinite if you choose the right fleet tracking service and invest a little energy in learning about the new and exciting ways you can use this as a tool for building your business bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.
For more information about our GPS fleet tracking products, please call LiveViewGPS and speak to one of our GPS fleet tracking experts. 1-888-544-0494
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