GPS tracking for executive car service fleets might seem unnecessary, but nothing could be further from the truth. No matter how well you know the towns you serve, the bottom line is that there’s always room for improvement when it comes to routing around stalled traffic, getting to new destinations on your city map, and finding the most expedient routes to your passenger’s desired location. But that is only the beginning.

These are a few other great reasons to consider GPS tracking for your fleet of executive car service vehicles.

Improves Customer Experiences

For many people, renting executive car services is about convenience rather than prestige, though that certainly doesn’t hurt your cause. What they want is a car service that will arrive promptly and get them to their destinations safely and on time. GPS fleet tracking can help you give them everything on their wish list of an executive car service by aid in in the dispatch process to sending the closest car their way which greatly reduces their wait time.

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Fishermen in South Florida are assisting fisheries scientists to learn more about swordfish and uncharted ocean depths through an innovative tagging program.

GPS tracking devices will help scientists Camrin Braun and Peter Gaube from the University of Washington to learn data about swordfish, which researchers claim spend the majority of their lives in the “ocean twilight zone.”

According to Gaube, the ocean layer where there’s enough light to see and orient is called the mesopelagic zone, but there’s not enough light to power photosynthesis. Gaube states they don’t know a lot about this zone and by instrumenting and tracking swordfish, they’ll learn more information about the functions of this ecosystem.

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GPS tracking is more than a lifeline for stranded drivers. For businesses that deliver, like floral delivery services companies, it can mean the difference between satisfied, completely delighted customers, and negative reviews and refund requests. It’s a big deal for deliveries to go to the wrong location, miss the mark, or arrive late. In fact, it can kill a business quickly. But that’s not the only way GPS tracking benefits floral delivery services. These are a few other ways your floral delivery business can benefit from GPS tracking.

Allow Customers to Track Deliveries and Deal Perfectly Timed Follow-Up Calls

Sometimes floral deliveries accompany important questions that require immediate follow-up. Give your customers the opportunity to time their follow-up questions and commentaries perfectly to the tune of your flower deliveries by allowing them to track their deliveries via GPS. Then they know exactly when and where the delivery is made so they can move on to work their magic.

Make More Deliveries in the Course of a Day

GPS fleet tracking can aid in route planning in such a way that you can work more deliveries into the course of your day even while operating fewer vehicles and employing fewer delivery drivers. This can save your business big money and help you get a greater return on investment from your labor pool. Everyone makes more money when your business operates at maximum efficiency and GPS tracking can help your floral delivery service do just that.

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About Live View GPS

We specialize in real time GPS tracking systems. GPS tracking, GPS monitoring and management for vehicles, assets, equipment, property and persons. Whether your needs are consumer or commercial based, personal or business related we have a cost effective GPS tracking solution for you. Locate in real-time and on demand vehicles, people and property from any web based computer. View these locations on our systems integrated maps. Our GPS devices are the real deal, they are tested and proven, they work.