Can You Secretly Track a Car?
28 Sep 2022There are a number of reasons an individual might want to secretly track a vehicle. You could have an unruly child, an unfaithful spouse, or you could be a private detective or law enforcement officer. Or perhaps your a business owner that rents vehicles and would prefer your customers don’t know that they’re being tracked. Another big reason for secretly tracking a vehicle is for theft protection. If you have an obvious GPS tracker installed in the vehicle, the thief could easily get rid of it and speed off with your vehicle.
The reasons for wanting to secretly track a car are practically endless. In this article, we’ll go over how you can secretly track a car.
Motorcycle Thefts are On The Rise Again
21 Sep 2022Every biker loves to get out on the road in the summer and fall. If you’re like most people, you got your motorcycle to recreate and enjoy beautiful days on your bike. However, all motorcycle owners should be aware that there is a higher chance of theft.
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), motorcycle thefts are on the rise for the second year in a row. According to the NICBs report, motorcycle thefts are up 26% from 2019. Last year, over 1 million vehicles were stolen in the United States and over 50,000 of those vehicles were motorcycles. That means about 1 in 20 vehicles or 5% of all vehicles stolen in the U.S. last year were motorcycles. In August alone, nearly 6,000 of the vehicles were reported stolen.
Fleet Fuel Theft Red Flags
14 Sep 2022Fuel theft can account for significant added costs for any business that utilizes vehicles. For fleets especially, fuel theft can seriously add up over time and across vehicles, eating up your business’s profits. Although fuel costs for transportation companies are inevitable, cutting down on fleet fuel theft and greatly benefit your bottom line.
Fuel theft can manifest in one of three ways: criminal fuel theft where thieves break into the vehicle to steal fuel, which is the most uncommon; employees can knowingly or unknowingly abuse their fuel privileges with a company fuel card; or outside entities can set up devices that look like credit card scanners that take the card information to use elsewhere. Read on to learn about some red flags for fleet fuel theft.
Fleet Fuel Theft Red Flags
To be able to address fuel theft in your company, you first need to understand the warning signs that point toward fuel theft.
Look for unusual activity and trends across your fleet.