Court Rules that NYC Taxi Drivers Can be Tracked with GPS

13 Sep 2016

In 2010, New York City began a concentrated effort to eliminate, or at least reduce, price gouging by unscrupulous taxi drivers in the state of New York. The relied a great deal on technology in the form of GPS tracking suystems that had been installed in many taxi cabs to provide evidence in the case. One driver targeted in the investigation, Hassan El-Nahal, claimed this use of GPS was a violation of his fourth amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure.

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that because the GPS device was in the car when he drove the cab, El-Nahal couldn’t claim that the government was intruding into his personal property. While El-Nahal’s attorneys argue that this establishes a dangerous precedence, it does represent a win for taxicab businesses and owners who are concerned over the damage done to all reputations as a result of the actions of a select few drivers.

While GPS tracking is certainly beneficial in helping to identify drivers that are unfairly charging high rates, it offers other important benefits for taxicab drivers and businesses as well, including those listed below.

Helps Drivers Avoid Traffic Problems

Anyone who has driven in New York City knows that you can easily escape one traffic problem to land right in the middle of another one. GPS tracking with live traffic monitoring can help your drivers avoid the worst of delays in The Big Apple and countless other cities throughout the country.

Manage Maintenance Extend the Life of Your Cabs

Keeping cabs on the road longer is another way you can save your business big money over the course of the year. Scheduled maintenance can be managed for you with your GPS tracking system doing the heavy lifting on your behalf.

Provides Faster Turnover Rates

You know that your money comes from serving more customers. The more customers you serve in the course of an hour, the more money you stand to make. GPS tracking allows you to reach your destination in the shortest time possible so that you can move on to the next fare.

Eliminate Bad Apples Driving for Your Company

Your drivers represent your taxi cab business to the world. Bad drivers damage your reputation and cost you fares. GPS tracking systems can be set up to notify you when drivers take specific actions, such as aggressive driving, swerving, speeding, hard braking, etc. This allows you to take appropriate disciplinary action and protect the good name of your cab company.

It’s not all about keeping taxicab driver’s honest. GPS tracking in taxis can be a huge boon for your business.

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