How much does peace of mind cost? LiveViewGPS knows

The problem
What do you do when your child turns 16 and (gulp!) gets a driver’s license?
If you’re like most parents, you worry. And fret. And stay up late…waiting.
It was no different in the Himmelrich household. When their son started driving, the wife became very protective as mothers are wont to do. After all, it’s a crazy world out there with drunk drivers and speeding and accidents and carjackings and careless drivers.
What’s a family to do?
Fortunately, Billy Himmelrich already had a solution.
Himmelrich owns Old School Bakery in Delray Beach, Florida. He and his talented bakers hand make artisan breads and rolls. Five delivery trucks (six during the season) deliver the bakery goods to top hotels, restaurants and country clubs from Palm Beach to South Miami.
“Delivering to high end customers means we have to arrive on time with fresh baked goods,” Himmelrich notes. “I wanted to make sure my drivers were keeping to schedules, taking the most efficient routes and were driving safely to avoid accidents and tickets.”
After some consideration he determined a GPS vehicle tracker was the answer to his problem.
The LiveViewGPS solution
“Initially I wanted a portable tracker for my trucks so I could place it randomly,” says Himmelrich. “Since my drivers never know if their truck is wired for GPS, they all drive better.
“I looked at several solutions and selected the Live Trac PT-10 Vehicle Tracker from LiveViewGPS because it has good reviews online. When I called the company I got a real person, not a phone tree. They are awesome and I get great service.
The Live Trac PT-10 Vehicle Tracker is a small, highly accurate, easy-to-use portable GPS unit. Its powerful magnet deploys in seconds—just slap and track. It produces ultra-fast updates every 20 feet or every 10 seconds over 10 mph. The battery is activated only when the vehicle is moving, which conserves and extends battery life.
The Live Trac PT-10 unit allows Himmelrich to track his drivers in real time, alert them if there is heavy congestion or an accident, and give them directions if they became lost. It also monitors their speed, which helps cut down on tickets and accidents. And it measures efficiency, showing Himmelrich how long it takes to run a given route. He can plot whether any stops are longer or shorter than normal, which helps increase his efficiency.
“As I became familiar with using the GPS system’s features and benefits, it was obvious this was the perfect solution for monitoring my son’s driving,” says Himmelrich. “So I purchased a Live Trac EZ Vehicle Tracker. It’s a light, portable plug-and-play device that’s easy to use.”
The Live Trac EZ Vehicle Tracker works with most vehicles manufactured after 1997 equipped with an On Board Diagnostic Port. The unit plugs into the port and uses the vehicle’s electrical system to power it. Once activated, it pinpoints the vehicle’s location every 10 seconds.
Both vehicle trackers operate on LiveViewGPS’s Live Trac Platform, a next-generation, real-time tracking system with reliable 99.9 percent server uptime. There is no software to install, system updates are free, and live support is built into the platform.
Users log on via their web powser or web-enabled mobile device and, once connected, can track multiple vehicles in real time on a high-resolution satellite map, set geofencing or zones, find addresses, and see aerial or road map views while viewing historical data up to 90 days. A personal dashboard allows users to set and manage mapping, reporting and alert features to meet business or personal needs.
Both the Live Trac PT-10 and EZ Vehicle Trackers require monthly fees for unlimited tracking. There are no contracts.
The benefits
“My son is a great kid,” Himmelrich says. “He knows driving is a privilege, and with privileges come responsibilities. When I told him about the vehicle tracker, he was cool with it. He’s always home by curfew anyway.
“The Live Trac EZ Vehicle Tracker automatically texts us when he leaves the house and when he comes home. We also get automatically-generated reports that detail where he went, how fast he drove and a lot more. We can customize the reports to get the information you want.
“Being parents, we checked the reports diligently the first few times we got them. After that it was just every once in a while.
“Look, it’s a crazy world out there. Things happen. Installing the Live Trac EZ Vehicle Tracker was a small price to pay for the peace of mind in knowing our son is safe.”